Monday, June 30, 2014

Day #9: Sick and bedrest

Cold is till going on strong. Continuing taking my ciproflaxin, and cough drop. Can’t find the cold medicine, but I probably missed it in a half awake state this morning. I can’t tell you what was for breakfast cause I didn’t stay around long enough to see.

I took off around 6:12 am and tried to walk slow and scan the trees often, but I think I just spent way too much time on the beginning trails. I should’ve walked normally to the trails I wanted to go to which are much further away and then take it slow. All in all I found 3 troops of squirrel monkeys, twice I saw the same one. Really shoulda either switched to them or done my comparative study, but I’m determined to stick with capuchins I don’t know why they are so hard for me to find now. The squirrel monkeys made so much obnoxious noise I kept thinking they were capuchins.

Otherwise I just found some saddlebacks, and could hear things eating in the trees but couldn’t get a visual.

I DID find a capuchin though….I think. Same coloration, body size, and sounds, and I’m pretty sure I saw it use it’s tail for stabilization as it foraged. All signs point to it being a capuchin. It can’t be a Titi because it seemed to be bigger, and the noises it made don’t correlate with Titi monkeys. It could’ve been a Saki, but if it did use it’s tail then capuchins can only do that. My only issue was it was alone… completely which is strange for a capuchin. Anyway, I got 30 minutes of data on it foraging which is great. I definitely could’ve stayed with it and gotten more data, but I’m only supposed to stay with an individual for 30 minutes to ensure I have a good variety of data.

Anyway, I started cramping up, no food and minimal water. With the cold I just don’t feel the need I guess I dunno. Waiting here for lunch now, going to read some articles for lecture tonight, and go back out after lunch and hopefully find more capuchins.

I’m currently contemplating napping after lunch. I feel utterly lazy by thinking it and I feel bad, but I’m exhausted at night at like 7 and freezing and my energy levels have been dwindling which I feel will only worsen this cold that I’m trying to kill before it takes full affect. That’s my justification….how’d I do? Ugh, and like the pain of my feet I can bear with. Hiking in rubber boots that have no support kills your feet and ankles –sigh- Maybe I’ll do a short nap and hike after and get back RIGHT before dinner. I think that’s what I’ll do, thanks for the help J

Welp for lunch they started with chopped potatoes and beets, yes ….I ate beets haha Just shovel it down fast. Looks like pinto beans with rice and a little medley of carrots onions and cucumbers. Again at this point I’m just eating before I can taste haha. Most of the food is good, but mainly it’s eat because you have to.

My saki information from last night helped Courtney  find them this morning so at least something good happened from last nights hikes xD

I ended up not going out, I felt too sick, maybe I’m making excuses I dunno but I hate it not being able to go out. My body attempted to rid itself of whatever was left in my stomach when I woke up from my nap, but it was all digested by then, so I ended up with an ab workout I guess. I’ve spent most of my day afternoon in bed, which makes me feel utterly lazy. Regardless of the fact I took about a 5 hour hike. Tomorrow I’m planning on getting out there early again and going up further, my afternoon hike will be closer to camp but I plan on making two full 5 hour hikes.

I’m sad my blogs are getting shorter and shorter, and I’m not sure why. I may not be as descriptive as I was about my sightings I guess L I took some videos of squirrel monkeys that I am planning to post on instagram if I can. They really are so cute, and just so tiny. I’m at least happy I get to see them as often as I do. They are about as big as a year old kitten and there are always so many. Some were staring at me curiously in my bright like pink top……yeah I said I wore pink. It was laundry day ;)

Tomorrow I promise a long blog entry full of exciting tales! Even if I have to throw myself down a hill haha. No rashes to speak of I think. The stuff is still there on my shoulder,  the skin is bumpy but it doesn’t itch. I have bug bites accumulating now, but I don’t itch them as much., if at all. I mean I itch everything, but it’s not like I need creams to stop. I dunno, but all in all still no injuries or anything exciting haha.

It’s one of the girl’s brithdays tomorrow so their troop organized with the kitchen to make a cake for her. We are trying to do the same for Christian in our group and Varun, ne of the researchers here, both have the same birthday coming up soon.

So dinner tonight iiiiisssss……oh….spaghetti with meat sauce….well that was a surprise J Well the internet is getting shotty again so I’m just going to end it with some lessons and send it away J the meat in the meat sauce is chewy >.>

Lessons learned:

#1 Peru is the #1 exporter of cocaine

#2: If you see a jaguar, obviously don’t turn around or run, but most of the time they will run away even if they are right next to you. Otherwise I mean……circle of life.

#3: If you see a pecari, wild pig, scream and be obnoxious to scare them aware…… don’t want them charging you….

#4: You will never be used to walking into spiderwebs/……EVER! You also will never get them off you….like just don’t bother

#5: Bugs love your face

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Day #8: First day of Data Collection!!

Yay saw so much………………..except capuchins -_-

Friaje is over, very quick, thank god cause I only have a sweatshirt ……so I was wearing two pants and 4 shirts THEN the sweatshirt and was still cold. Needless to say wasn’t surprised when I was coughing in the morning, sore throat, and yep diarrhea. Popped a cortisone which means no malaria medicine (can’t be taken with antibiotics) but apparently there’s no threat -_- Late information is always fun.

Breakfast was two pancakes………..or really just thick crepes lol. Smeared a tiny bit of strawberry jam on it, but eh it was getting gross at the end haha. Headed out with no camera …or glasses today, which the camera is fine cause I needed to focus on data collection, the glasses just make me blind. Thankfully, not walking into tree blind.

SO headed up trail 19, to 25, then 24, down 10, up 22, and hit 1 right under the airfield…………..ZILCH!

Walk out on to 1 and I hear squirrel monkey calls and oh look a nice troop jumping slowly on through so I hung with them for about 10 minutes. Headed up to the airfield……ran into the same troop lol and heard capuchin calls GREAT! Bush wack through the forest and oh look a tangle of vines with no way through -_- Really should’ve just jumped on in to be honest.

Found Titi monkeys eyeing me in the airfield and hung out with them for ten minutes, but then nothing else. Ran into Seamus on the way back down 1 and we talked about our morning hikes. Continued on found more Titis….great. Then went up 10 again to try again, but was behind these two girls moving WAY too slow to find capuchins. Capuchins are loud, like you’ll here them before they hear you and I don’t mean run through the forest but you don’t need to creep, maybe for tamarins but not capuchins. Anyway, I spotted some creature up a tree digging out the bark but I couldn’t tell what it was, people think either another kuwati or a species of ant eater that can climb.

Anyway I pack it in for lunch and try DESPERATELY to download more books. I’m dumb and forgot to buy them before I left haha……It was a lot of troubleshoot, re enter information, re install ugh! Which on pretty much zilch internet means like hours to come up with nothing xD I definitely glared at the person on facebook killing the internet.

So far for the year I’ve read 8 books as of now. 4 for school, but The Tings They Carried, Into the Wild, Beloved, The Beautiful Things That Heaven Bears, Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Graceling, and Matched. I did get two new books to download so yay!

Anyway lunch was fun, would you believe it chicken noodle soup haha with big bow tie pasta. Then like grilled chicken or seared chicken I dunno definite like diet cookbook looking chicken, with rice of course, and a vegetable medley of broccoli, carrots, and green beans. No sauce…..sad.

*side note: this is how desperate people are for energy. Yesterday with the lentil lunch this complete ‘Murica Midwest guy sits across me and drizzles ketchup all over it. Which I’ve seen that and mayo so I’m like “oh I’ve heard from people that’s good, but I haven’t tried it” he just laughs and goes “I just do it for extra calories” ….yup.

Back on track, umm we got watermelon for dessert can you say YUUUUUM! We each got two piece yay!

Got ready to go back out and we found Titi monkeys outside our dorm. One attemped to fly as it jumped a pretty precarious distance from one tree to the next it scared us. Looked like it fall right on me but it grabbed the TINIEST branch and scurried up. There was a total of like 6. One was right in front of me eating away at a fruit bigger than itself so I got good pictures which made me happy J Anyway headed out on 10  and planned another long hike. Heard some creature tearing away at bark again, near the ground this time, but I couldn’t get a good visual of it anywhere. Continued on and found Saki monkeys yay……..they totally made capuchin sounds so excitement for nothing. Sakis are cool, any monkey is cool, but I need capuchins!!

Last week they were all around the area I was checking, but according to everyone else‘s sighting they were up higher so I have a LONG hike tomorrow morning. The afternoon hike I cut short I was just tired. As of 6:04 PMI have walked 9.56 miles.

When I got back, there was a soccer game going on which was fun to watch and take pictures. It’s still pretty cool out which has been refreshing, but I’m looking forward to not freezing to death again at night haha! I also have books YAY!

Unusually short blog I guess today, waiting for dinner and right after is lecture. Seamus has Wolf of wall street on his laptop so we may hook it up to the projector in the classroom and watch it, two parts of course haha.

Showers are a no go as of now because the water is below freezing in the pipes. Thankfully, it isn’t raining tonight which meant I could do laundry. Thank GOD cause that laundry back was smelling like something died. I checked to make sure nothing wandered in and suffocated from the stench, but it was clear. Again I have no minutes on this local phone and there’s no way to recharge it. So mom and dad, you’ll get quick calls tonight and then every few days so as not to rack up a huge bill, if possible. I’m sad this entry is so short, and I mean I saw a good amount of stuff, but it was not what I was looking or hoping for :/ a week for data collection is NOTHING, hence why people are here for their 4th year still researching J But I love it, everything about it, even promising Gideon that if I see a capuchin poop I’ll grab it for him.
Listening to Gideon talk about his tamarins is hilarious though. They are tagged with beads so each has a unique code so one of the girls was like “I saw a copulation with GBL today” and Gideon just sits up “With who with who” like an utter gossip session it’s very amusing to listen to J

Anyway that’s about it for me, no further injuries or anything as of yet and I’m taking care of the cold before it gets too bad. Which means I should be smart and wearing a sweatshirt right now :D

Lessons learned:

#1: Insulation is fun…….so are windows that close.

#2: Cookies are put out, in few amounts, with the saltines before breakfast and lunch. My stash is ever growing MUHAHAHAHA

#3: Always bring winter hats and sweats and such for the friajes which USUALLY last a few days…….I got lucky…..for now J

I can’t think of anything else off the top of my head aside from those L My computer was dead this morning so I couldn’t write throughout the day to make sure I don’t forget. You should all know I have a field book of every single sighting I have witnessed and where I’ll keep my data which I’ll also post here as well….when I have any -_-

We are all collaborating data and keeping eyes out for each persons monkeys so that’s good. I’m not worried J Capuchins are the most popular here and are of “least concern” of the fancy shmancy endangered list.

The teacher handed back our proposals so I’m going to go look that over now :) 

My sweatshirt is damp L It’s all I have don’t roll your eyes, it’s better than nothing! Haha

Also, I'm sure everyone’s assuming I’ll lose so much weight. I’m not really lol I’ve measured my “waist” really where my belly button is, waist is about an inch above the belly button. It lowered while in Puerto significantly  and after my first full day here where I walked 10 miles it jumped back up. Figured it was Aunt Erma but she’s a no show, people say it’s muscle mass but I doubt it. I CAN say that my pants were a bit tight at the top of my thighs and they are now looser and more comfortable and I had to tighten my watch and fitbit cause I guess my wrists shrunk. So who knows xD I’m starving hours before our meals I haven’t even been eating protein bars recently and like zero cookies, honestly. Should be drinking more water but maybe it’s just me that doesn’t see it xD We’ll find out when I get home

Yum yum dinner is soon, speaking of starving hours before meals I’ve been listening to my stomach scream at me for the past hour and a half…..need fooooood xD
And it is......*drumroll* OMG.......chicken noodle soup to start :) I moth landed on my cheek as I was eating :( Mmmmm rice with that quinoa sauce's good at least :D

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Day #5, #6, and #7!: WE HAVE INTERNET!

So Day #6 was pretty exciting.

Day #5 consisted of nausea, no appetite, being sick and that “fun” stuff. I slipped down a slope and essentially seared off the skin on my left arm so it’s raw now, but healed fast.

We got fried dough again for breakfast! Really it’s like a fluffy pastry mmmm with strawberry jam omnomnomnom so good when you haven’t been able to eat for a day, which I get isn’t long but hikes with zero energy at all aren’t fun L

So I took off today for my first data collection hike! I headed over to the abandoned airfield and after staring around for a bit, I found a capuchin off into the distance in a big tree way up. Attempted to use my binoculars, but it’s such a small focused area it’s hard to find a little monkey in the distance L Need practice haha

Anywho, so travelling through the forest just a bit I try to find the capuchin and luckily I did. It was just a lone juvenile, which was a bit weird because they usually don’t wander alone. I lost sight of it after two minutes L I started hearing monkeys jumping between trees so assumed more capuchins were near by, but instead I found squirrel monkeys……… 10 feet from me. So here I am walking in the brush following these squirrel monkeys, getting within MAYBE 5 feet from some of them if that, and just able to take amazing pictures. They don’t mind you being there as long as you don’t make sudden movements, but it was just an amazing experience and I was so happy I got to get some great up close pictures.

Once the squirrel monkeys were gone the capuchins started to surface. Usually these two species are together because capuchins can get into the hard husks of some fruits and nuts, which then the squirrel monkeys forage for whatever they drop aside from their normal diet. So I wandered off trail again and got  another 16 minutes of data collecting before I realized not only was I dizzy, from lack of energy (fluffy pastry dough isn’t the best for energy when you haven’t eaten the day before), and I was also lost xD So I was lost in the brush for a bit, my compass doesn’t work and I didn’t mark the trail on the GPS haha So I wandered around in the general direction. Did have part of a tree fall on my head, soft bark at least, so I assume my head had bugs but I didn’t see any when I combed through it later haha. I eventually spotted a neon pink flag on a tree so I booked it for there and found the trail YAY.

Heading back to camp after enough excitement…..mainly just getting lost and feeling dizzy haha, I found some emperor tamarins. I moved through the open brush this time, more open in the airfield, and they got spooked so they “mobbed” me. Essentially, they gather around and squeak really loud to make me go away. There was only three, but I backed off cause I didn’t want to upset them. They then started jumping across the trail and like eyeing me like a pigeon would. Twitching its head to get better angles, really funny with those eccentric mustaches. All three did that and then they disappeared in a bush.

On the way back to camp I saw three trumpeter birds just waltzing along the trail up ahead. So all in all it was an exciting morning.

I got 18 minutes worth of data which I was happy about haha, it’s not much but it’s something.

For lunch they gave us this like cold rice salad with cucumbers and tomatoes, some had avocado but I was one of the unlucky ones haha, I was back at the window so fast the guy laughed at me. Hey, going a day without eating in this place AND hiking that bit on Day #5 and That exciting morning of Day #6 with running lost in the foods REALLY drives your appetite. I got rice and beans…missed out on the lettuce but it wasn’t missed too much. I scoop my food with the saltines they have, always!. Even the morning and dinner they have cookies, first come first serve, I get one of each kind and I’ve been keeping them to bring home and share. If there are extras I plan on eating them, but surprisingly enough I’m not devouring my snacks. I just finished them and I still have pretty much all my zone bars. I gave about 14 clif bars to Christian who ran out, and I had plenty anyway.

The rest of the day everyone worked on their proposals and I discussed mine with my teacher, but my computer was dead so I had to wait for that night.

I went out again after lunch, but didn’t see anything. Typically monkeys aren’t as active except early in the morning. On the way I ran into Gordon who is here with his wife Darna. Always a happy guy, anytime I ask if he saw anything cool he says “everything is cool.” He asked where I was going and even though he just came from there, he offered to tag along and keep company. I happy said yes, and as we trekked along, mainly hiking not bothering to be quiet really knowing nothing would be around he asked me questions about my research and I with him and his wife. He is a PhD student studying cultural anthropology, honestly it was fascinating and interesting to listen to but it was so much I can’t remember. He talked about the indigenous and the local mining efforts and of the native people of Puerto Maldonado. His wife Darna is studied predation with Saki monkeys. They trap predators, ocelots, jaguars, and such and record their growls and other sounds. They then play those sounds back to the Saki’s and observe how they react to them. Now me remembering Darna’s research doesn’t mean I was more interested to remember haha. It was just easier to remember, look I like monkeys, but I find all sciences interesting. Some are just more complicated then remembering trapping predators and playing them for monkeys.

He showed me the spots where the capuchins ere foraging on the ground, and informed me that we are only just starting the dry season. This kinda washes my research, but there have been two sighting of capuchins on the ground so there’s hope. He educated me on the history of the indigenous people here and the camp which used to be an old mining camp until it was abandoned and bought out. All and all it was an educational hiking trip which I enjoyed.

The rest of the evening consisted on making calls to talk about my morning, and then working on my proposal. Dinner was rice with a bone in piece of chicken in what seemed to be a green pesto sauce, but wasn’t? Still good haha.
Below is my finished proposal:

Unfortunately, the internet was continually shotty due to rain and terrible cloud cover so I couldn’t post the Day #6 blog entry.

The nausea is gone for good and my throat hasn’t been sore as of yet. Only other injury, as slight as it is, the eczema on my chest looked off putting. As if mud was caked on, and went I went to scratch the “mud” off I scratched my skin off……..Slowly falling apart I guess. Bandaged it and it’s fine now. Otherwise just  eczema slowly starting up, few bug bites here and there nothing huge.

Now for Day #7 it starts at let’s just say midnight, the official Day #7,………..rain……rain……….more rain……it’s not two minutes to eleven and it STILL hasn’t stopped. All night thunderstorms and loud crazy rain with horrible wind. Meanwhile I in a shirt and short using a sheet as a blanket, yes that’s all I have. I contemplated going to get my sweatshirt, but I prefer to not know what crawls around on the floor at night haha.

Which reminds me, the night before we saw a wandering spider in the classroom, and drew bugs to it with our flashlights and watched it eat. Most lethal spider in the world, about the size of your palm all together.

So anyway, it’s been cold and rainy ALL day. We have a friaje (free-ya-hey) coming in. The correct spelling thanks to Joe, thanks! This essentially means lots of rain, arctic winds, so bad we can’t go out on the trails for fear of trees falling. Believe me, I was the only person willing to ask if we could go out haha, ready to go at 5:45 waiting for my teacher to show up…….an hour and a half later listening to everyone complain about if they have to go out. Regardless, if I find monkeys I enjoy the hikes.

But yeah, I’m sitting in a sweatshirt which already isn’t enough, oh and the windows are just screens……you can’t close it to keep the cold out. Poor Linda is right at the window. Peter in the next room is parallel to the window so he got sprayed by the rain all night.

The temperature continues to drop and we are just having reading catch up day. I’ve spent most of my morning reading my kindle on my phone. Oh this morning for breakfast was spaghetti……I opted out haha which was good cause it was tuna spaghetti in a meat sauce…..which I guess is better than the famous tuna and eggs. I grabbed the clementine they handed out with them. I’ve been extremely bad about eating only hot things, I eat the cold things here too. It’s not as bad as Puerto Maldonado though BELIEVE ME…..Courtney is sharing her apples with everyone else in the group that she got at that sketchy food market …….needless to say I opted out.

Anyway so far it’s pretty dull. I’ve ran out of minutes on my local phone so I have to figure out if there’s a way to add more. There’s a big group playing cards against humanity, I would’ve joined but I was reading in my room. Came out here cause lunch is soon and my phone died haha. Just a cold rainy day in Amazonia I guess J

Lunch was rice with lentils and a little salad. I definitely prefer dinner because of the chicken and the yummy sauces. Madeleine gave me one of her remaining truffles that she brought from O’hare. mouth waters oh the smooth velvety sensation of chocolate, and that’s a big deal J Otherwise still a blah cold, rainy, windy day L

So the rain has stopped! At now 6:32 pm, still pretty cold and dunno if the friaje is done or not but yay! Cause I was shivering horribly in my sweatshirt L Me and my group played card games for a couple hours before dinner, some card drinking games  haha I mainly pretended to drink >.>

We are eating chick soup again, with little eggshell pasta. Entrée is rice, mashed potatoes and a meat sauce. Essentially like the left over spaghetti sauce. I’m bummed there’s no chicken. Madeleine and I are close enough, aside from that yummy chocolate sharing, that I can just taste her meat sauce and let her know if it’s meat or not haha.

Lecture is afterwards and then we will continue with the card games.

Lessons learned:

#1 sometimes duct tape wont work in the shower I find the end of a hairbrush in the mouth works great :D haha

#2: Inspect your clothes even when in drawers……really just anywhere just check them. Aside from cockroaches there have been cases of lone maggots hanging around in clothes. I still have yet to follow this lesson haha

#3: If, like today, you get sudden nausea in the morning and can’t stomach anything down it may just be wise to take the morning off as horrible as it is. Although water replenishes thirst and rehydrates you, you need a high amount of energy to trek up and down a humid forest

#4: Mud is slippery when wet…….shocking right?

#5: Don’t forget where your raw skin is when applying bug spray……not fun

#6: Don’t forget where raw skin is when bumping into wood planks, beams, poles, etc. Also not fun

#7: Someone will ALWAYS eat the food you don’t, even if it’s left overs. Zero waste here.

#8: If you go out all day and miss lunch you can let the cooks know and they will pack you a to go lunch, it’s cute :D There’s no where to really sit and eat like….rice xD

#9: hats help in friajes……like winter hats -_- I regret my personal packing decisions haha

#10: Do your best to keep the brightness of your phone screen as dark as possible even if it’s night out and you’re reading. Horrible things surround your mosquito net otherwise.

#11: When someone gives you nice chocolates out here you know you’re in with them haha.

#12: Sometimes just pulling your foot out of a boot will give you a Charlie horse……painful >.< Sit down and wiggle your foot and it should make it go away.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Day 4: Habitat Assessment

Sitting here waiting for dinner again, but you’ll be happy to know there’s a TON that happened :D Best hiking day so far … far

First and foremost forgot to mention I saw 4 trumpeter birds out on the trail yesterday. They are birds that come up to my mid thigh maybe, considering I’m about 5’4”, and they have a head and neck like a peacock, long and tall and then they’re bock just slopes back with all jet black feathers except for a white patch at the back. Pretty cool J You don’t see many big birds back home!

Anywho, morning was as usual, woke up and got a plate of eggs and I guess that mystery meat aka spam looking food is sausage? Who knows, as everyone says “don’t ask just eat.” Right now they are blending something and it’s making the power flicker haha

Please note when I say a plate of eggs, it’s like a tapas style serving, pretty small, I usually end up eating a protein bar a couple hours later from hiking.

After breakfast we headed out and luckily it was all flat terrain J ok, big breaking news….new crackers in the bin xD We swarmed like vultures haha They’re really like cookies? The only word I found was Vanilla lol but it’s good for a rainy day :D

ANYWAY! We found capuchins a decent group, my glasses kept fogging so I couldn’t see them L But I caught the occasional visuals, all through the canopy, of course.

We continued literally maybe 20 feet then decided to do our habitat assessment lesson. We split into 3 groups so it was Courtney and me (just started pouring again yay lol so that’s two in one day) Live blogging SO EXCTING!! So not to get confused, we set put 10 meter by 10 meter plots and measured the DBH (diameter at breast height) of each tree and recorded the ones that had diameters higher than 5 cm. Now I know what you’re thinking….and now we don’t do circumference and calculate diameter, We have a tape that you do put around the circumference but it is created in a way that it tells you the diameter :D NIFTY! After we did that we measured crown diameter. Essentially you find one end of the crown, the furthest branch on the tree (IT IS REALLY POURING!) and then you go on the other side of the tree. Excuse the random tangents.

AFTER THAT, yes there’s more, we picked one tree (for simplicity sake) and you use a klinometer, which is essentially a mirrored compass to figure out the height of the massive trees. Essentially you take the percent grade to the base of a tree (which you also measure out) then you take the percent grade looking up to the canopy and hopefully that creates an angle less than 100 which you need. Add Percent grade A (to the trunk) and Percent grade B (to the canopy) and multiply by the distance from you to the trunk (in meters) and that gives the height of the tree J If that makes your head hurt imagine topographers doing that at every single little slope on land haha that’s how they make those maps.

So after that the teacher showed me my new GPS unit which is great, you can flag waypoints of whatever you want like different monkey species or to help get back on trail after running through the forest chasing monkeys. She also showed how to properly use a compass, which mine doesn’t work :/ Sorry mom. It was just missing something.

She then gave three options for trails and I chose the first one that I hadn’t gone on (GREAT CHOICE!) I set off with Christian and Courtney.

About 5 minutes in of careful walking a bird (possibly trumpeter? It was pretty big) suddenly flew up and a creature jumped onto a nearby tree trunk. Exciting right?! YEAH! So It turns out it was a Kuwati, possibly butchered that spelling lol. It’s maybe 3-4 feet long body wise and has maybe 1.5-2 foot long tail….COMPLETE rough estimations. But it is an omnivore that’s pretty short and just clung to that tree and stared at us. I didn’t want to use my flash in case it scared it so I wasn’t able to get a clear picture :/ You win some you lose some, but nonetheless it was awesome.

Continuing on for over 1500 meters we finally crossed some Sakis. Which were not habituated to people so they weren’t too thrilled about us being there and proceeded to growl at us. I didn’t see them very long and I’m too short to see over Courtney and Christian so I decided to do my own exploring. I followed some distant branch snapping and lo and behold there are capuchin calls. I rush through the forest to keep up but they are SPEEDY! But I saw some jumping between tree WAY in the distance.

Anyway we continued trekking on and headed back to the site via the abandoned airfield....just a wider trail in a more open area :D I’ll take a picture next time haha. But we started hearing whimpering and rustling from a bamboo bush. After much waiting there were a couple of spider monkeys jumping from the trees into it.

*side note: I have been writing in Word doc while the page was loading and I had to correct so many mistakes. I apologize for my past blogs if they were just riddled with them. I type too fast for my own good...clearly*

Anywho they eventually started surfacing, poking their heads out and such. I got good pictures :D It was awesome, they are so adorable, but still pretty rare to see. One of the girls , Linda, had to change her project from them to another species. So After those we turned around to find a bunch of colorful butterflies and started taking pictures of them xD Exhilarating right? Continuing on the trail before heading on the one back to camp I mentioned checking out the other one to the side where more bushes were moving. Of curse they said no, then decided to go and oh look Emperor Tamarins! Mhmm…. I also got good pictures of them so I was EXTRA pleased to be able to get good pictures J

It then began to rain so into the backpack the camera went and we trekked along. By the time we got back to the station it was just before lunch and I got to watch my laundry and backpack/camera case get soaked….which sucks cause when I grabbed my pants this morning they were still wet and I had to wear them xD So I needed clean dry pants…..and a clean backpack! …and camera case J But I guess now they’re extra clean haha.

Lunch was lentils….please note EVERYTHING is with rice J so Rice with lentils and a little like tomato onion salad I guess. Yes I ate lentils…shocking, but you can’t be too picky here. This may be the place to send us picky eaters :D

I sat and talked with Joe, the guy who had the asthma attack and who I also travelled here with, and we talking a lot about the kuwati (which he identified right away) and we spoke about the national zoo, and his work at the Lemur house in North Carolina. He went to South Africa at the Kreuger National Park, which sparked thoughts in my head……I mean it’s the safest place is Africa L……put a pin in it ;)

Anyway the rain was so powerful, I mean when it rains here…….it floods that’s essentially it. We could barely hear each other it was so loud…’s also metal roofs but ya know J I love the rain so while everyone was running from building to building I briskly walked haha….Yes mom I’ll use my rain coat next time J

It was nice cause it as so cool right before it started and a bit after, very refreshing. I met with the professor to discuss my research question:

How often do Adult and juvenile brown capuchin monkeys stay at the canopy level, mid level, understory, and ground level of the forest and for what reasons do they travel there.

There were more sighting of capuchins on the ground eating grubs out of bamboo sop I’m dying to finally see it……’s rare….you don’t understand!

Essentially I’ll have 8 FULL days of data collection aside from occasional trips whenever I can. I ‘m extremely excited, and before I leave here I will be formulating the report, creating a powerpoint and presenting for whoever wishes to see. Yes, my lovely family back home, if you would enjoy me talking your ear off about science and monkeys I’ll be happy to present.

The lights are flickering again haha I love it here. As Joe said “It’s like summer camp, but with monkeys!”

I tried catching up on readings again, which is what I’ll be doing tomorrow aside from doing my proposal, Friday I’m going to a conservation station by boat so that’ll be extra fun J I passed out for an hour from exhaustion, which is good and bad. Good cause I had a rough night sleep, nothing to do with being here just my usual waking up every few hours, and bad cause I was directly on my shoulder for that hour. Which means, as some know, with my double jointed shoulders sleeping directly on it tends to push it out of socket so when I wake up my arm is in shock and the muscles spasm. It’s not terrible, and doesn’t last long but I definitely wasn’t prepared for it so it was a bit painful J And yeah I showed everyone my arm trick…….yes mom and dad I’ll stop doing it haha

More importantly, I have had no back problems which is great cause it’s the last thing I need here haha…….here comes the rain again xD My poor laundry and backpack will never dry!!!! I did make sure to check it wasn’t filled with water haha.

So! Just final thoughts, after waking up I attempted making phone calls but it wasn’t working that great at first. As I was trying to get signal I saw a Titmu…however you spell it just standing under a bush and calling occasionally. It gave me the impression it was lost L Also these birds are about the size of a quail and they are just brown….take that image of the trumpeter shrink it to about a foot tall MAYBE and make it all brown. It started wandering around and would call out whenever another one in the distance called. I followed it a bit until it went under a cabin but it looked so sad. I even whistled at it and it would perk up L Found it again on the way to the sunset and back while I spoke to dad. Very cute, I got a video of it calling it has such a pretty call.

Everyone is lining up at the window for dinner haha, enough rambling that’s about it for the day. I am keep a notebook of all sighting so I need to add today’s in, and there’s the dinner bell J and it is……..some type of soup haha for first course with like bits of parsley, carrots, onions, and what we think is pureed potato?. They also always put out some type of juice with each meal, but sometimes it just extra sugary and watery I choose to stick with my water J Main course is chicken on the bone with like the same potato looking purree, bits of parsley in a risotto consistency and of course rice J

There’s nothing else to say as of right now. After dinner is another lecture and then I’m going to just read and die……pass out essentially J

Thankfully today was very exciting because tomorrow will be pretty boring sorry L

Internet is down so I’m hoping I’ll be able to upload today L

It’s fun sitting and talking with people, I mean I had a great conversation with Joe about the lemurs, but other than that people don’t usually ask me about my personal life. I’m just here, which I mean I don’t usually care about all that much to be honest, there are some that are really talkative like Christian and Samantha which I talk a lot with but at the same time it’s like “yo hey, I’m here too xD” I try to interject when possible but getting ignored gets tiring so I’ll probably just sit back and do what I would prefer, just do my research and my own thing until someone has a question about me xD It is better than hearing about Krista push stories about her kids just to talk about them or mention being a photographer back in the old days…..silence is so much better xD I mainly talk with the group I travelled with then most of the members from my own group….says a lot J I mainly talk to others about their projects and such like Gideon’s I mentioned  yesterday and I ask TONS of questions cause I find it all fascinating! I mainly talk and nerd out with Madeleine about hyenas and games and all that and freak out over animals its fun J  We also spent a lot of time discussing the genitalia of hyenas and spider monkeys……scroll down if you don’t want to read xD So spider monkeys get confusing for most people when telling genders apart. The males penis is actually retractable, and the females have an enlarged clitoris so people assume the females are actually males because of the appendage J Same with hyenas, and the hyenas actually birth through the enlarged clitoris which is extremely cringe worthy. It’s like when a guy sees someone gets kicked in the balls and they cringe haha But yeah, also hyenas are, as most know, a matriarchy and the males while actually get erections as a sign of submissive behavior. Extremely fascinating :D Yes I’m weird -_- I also learned that red ruffed lemurs scream and so do red foxes…like scary scream haha Courtesy of talking with Joe.

But yeah I definitely mesh a lot better with the tamarin trapping group I travelled with than my own group which is odd but eh oh well J

Although I can say, I’m one of the few people here that has good table manners, I don’t care if you’re in the jungle….it’s disgusting.

Welp just found out the conservations tours are cancelled because a tapir was found shot on the bank of the Los Amigos river, the river to the east not the one we are on that is the Madre de Dios River, but the tapir was shot by a bow and arrow by an uncontacted group of indigenous people, ye there are those here J

The good news is internet is back up after the rains o I can finally post haha got worried I wouldn’t be able to until tomorrow morning J

Lessons learned:

#1:Don’t jump down from the bunk bed on concrete…..not as ummm bouncy? Can’t think of the word lol but yeah there’s nothing to absorb that force except your bones

#2: don’t wait until all three pants need to be washed so that in the morning you have to grab damp ones from the laundry line that haven’t dried xD

Unfortunately today hasn’t had many lessons, I’m just adapted so well :P That or I’m not remembering -_-

As for injuries the “rash” I mentioned yesterday it honestly isn’t a rash because it isn’t itchy, it’s a bit splotchy but definitely going away. It’s probably an irritation  -shrug-

Everything is down again so hopefully It’ll be back up to then post this, its up xD haha I’m just doing live blogging it’s all confusing today….rain does that J

OH I also totally saw a beetle on a window that was a big as my palm J And that’s not even as big as some get!

Eight minutes left able to post woo! 

Until tomorrow,