Monday, June 30, 2014

Day #9: Sick and bedrest

Cold is till going on strong. Continuing taking my ciproflaxin, and cough drop. Can’t find the cold medicine, but I probably missed it in a half awake state this morning. I can’t tell you what was for breakfast cause I didn’t stay around long enough to see.

I took off around 6:12 am and tried to walk slow and scan the trees often, but I think I just spent way too much time on the beginning trails. I should’ve walked normally to the trails I wanted to go to which are much further away and then take it slow. All in all I found 3 troops of squirrel monkeys, twice I saw the same one. Really shoulda either switched to them or done my comparative study, but I’m determined to stick with capuchins I don’t know why they are so hard for me to find now. The squirrel monkeys made so much obnoxious noise I kept thinking they were capuchins.

Otherwise I just found some saddlebacks, and could hear things eating in the trees but couldn’t get a visual.

I DID find a capuchin though….I think. Same coloration, body size, and sounds, and I’m pretty sure I saw it use it’s tail for stabilization as it foraged. All signs point to it being a capuchin. It can’t be a Titi because it seemed to be bigger, and the noises it made don’t correlate with Titi monkeys. It could’ve been a Saki, but if it did use it’s tail then capuchins can only do that. My only issue was it was alone… completely which is strange for a capuchin. Anyway, I got 30 minutes of data on it foraging which is great. I definitely could’ve stayed with it and gotten more data, but I’m only supposed to stay with an individual for 30 minutes to ensure I have a good variety of data.

Anyway, I started cramping up, no food and minimal water. With the cold I just don’t feel the need I guess I dunno. Waiting here for lunch now, going to read some articles for lecture tonight, and go back out after lunch and hopefully find more capuchins.

I’m currently contemplating napping after lunch. I feel utterly lazy by thinking it and I feel bad, but I’m exhausted at night at like 7 and freezing and my energy levels have been dwindling which I feel will only worsen this cold that I’m trying to kill before it takes full affect. That’s my justification….how’d I do? Ugh, and like the pain of my feet I can bear with. Hiking in rubber boots that have no support kills your feet and ankles –sigh- Maybe I’ll do a short nap and hike after and get back RIGHT before dinner. I think that’s what I’ll do, thanks for the help J

Welp for lunch they started with chopped potatoes and beets, yes ….I ate beets haha Just shovel it down fast. Looks like pinto beans with rice and a little medley of carrots onions and cucumbers. Again at this point I’m just eating before I can taste haha. Most of the food is good, but mainly it’s eat because you have to.

My saki information from last night helped Courtney  find them this morning so at least something good happened from last nights hikes xD

I ended up not going out, I felt too sick, maybe I’m making excuses I dunno but I hate it not being able to go out. My body attempted to rid itself of whatever was left in my stomach when I woke up from my nap, but it was all digested by then, so I ended up with an ab workout I guess. I’ve spent most of my day afternoon in bed, which makes me feel utterly lazy. Regardless of the fact I took about a 5 hour hike. Tomorrow I’m planning on getting out there early again and going up further, my afternoon hike will be closer to camp but I plan on making two full 5 hour hikes.

I’m sad my blogs are getting shorter and shorter, and I’m not sure why. I may not be as descriptive as I was about my sightings I guess L I took some videos of squirrel monkeys that I am planning to post on instagram if I can. They really are so cute, and just so tiny. I’m at least happy I get to see them as often as I do. They are about as big as a year old kitten and there are always so many. Some were staring at me curiously in my bright like pink top……yeah I said I wore pink. It was laundry day ;)

Tomorrow I promise a long blog entry full of exciting tales! Even if I have to throw myself down a hill haha. No rashes to speak of I think. The stuff is still there on my shoulder,  the skin is bumpy but it doesn’t itch. I have bug bites accumulating now, but I don’t itch them as much., if at all. I mean I itch everything, but it’s not like I need creams to stop. I dunno, but all in all still no injuries or anything exciting haha.

It’s one of the girl’s brithdays tomorrow so their troop organized with the kitchen to make a cake for her. We are trying to do the same for Christian in our group and Varun, ne of the researchers here, both have the same birthday coming up soon.

So dinner tonight iiiiisssss……oh….spaghetti with meat sauce….well that was a surprise J Well the internet is getting shotty again so I’m just going to end it with some lessons and send it away J the meat in the meat sauce is chewy >.>

Lessons learned:

#1 Peru is the #1 exporter of cocaine

#2: If you see a jaguar, obviously don’t turn around or run, but most of the time they will run away even if they are right next to you. Otherwise I mean……circle of life.

#3: If you see a pecari, wild pig, scream and be obnoxious to scare them aware…… don’t want them charging you….

#4: You will never be used to walking into spiderwebs/……EVER! You also will never get them off you….like just don’t bother

#5: Bugs love your face

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