Sunday, July 6, 2014

Day #15: Horrible data collection

This morning SUCKED! UGH!

Started out good with pancakes for breakfast! Put a tiny bit of strawberry jam on there just to give it some flavor Yum!

Left at 6:30 WITH everything. In a nutshell, found the same troop of squirrel monkeys comingled with capuchins…..EVERYTIME I started taking data on a capuchin by the next data point, 2 minutes later it’d be gone but ONLY right before the timer went off UGH! Even the ones I could see from an open tree in the distance, for 1:45 they would just sit there relaxing in the sun and the right before the timer went off they took off like they were on fire UGH!

I can say I got good pictures, even a couple of capuchins FINALLY! The squirrels came extra close as usual, these seemed more skittish as they realized how close I was. I got some pictures of a squirrel right above me and a capuchin in the background checking me out. As the squirrel monkey ran overhead of me the capuchin started following haha, hoped it would come over to me for a second there.

Otherwise, my morning SUCKED. No data collection UGH! I’m exhausted too haha. On the way back some plant wrapped around my hand, and I’m guessing it had hairs or something. It felt rough as my hand pulled through it. Fine at first, little spots where the skin broke showed up then a red line then burning….lots of it. Mild stinging from just the motion of the hand naturally swinging in the air as I walked back to camp. If I lifted my thumb up or did anything to make the skin on the back of my hand crinkle the burning began and pretty bad. Now about 20 minutes later I’m fine haha. Exhilarating right -_- I’m happy I got good pictures though, I got some good ones I need to edit and sharpen and such but some squirrels got REALLY close so it was fun at least. Just got tired of them by the third time I found them because I wanted the capuchins not them, and they kept running away startled which made the capuchins go away ugh!

Now sitting here, to do more work on my paper, and wait for lunch haha. The kitchen made more ahi YAY ugh it makes the food so good with a little kick! Also we are getting new sheets! YAY Because mine reeked of mildew and sweat after sleeping on it since……well I arrived……My blue towel is also turning brown -_- ahahahaha

So lunch was a big deal. We got of course rice with sliced onion, I added the Ahi to it. We got a piece of corn, but the kernels were HUGE!! You could individually pick them off and eat them haha. Then the main part was like fried pork essentially haha Chicharone?  One of my pieces was all fat which I gave to Christian along with half of my rice. I of course ate my yummy corn J

I made a hypothesis. Most of the energy expended is during the morning. Monkeys are more active therefore you spend all morning hiking and following them. You don’t usually hike as much in the afternoon, and that’s when they give you rice and beans, or rice and pork or something and then the same for dinner. AHA! So yeah, just going to give half my meals to Christian J Mushy fruit for dessert haha Gave it away.

After lunch, Courtney, Linda, Stephanie, Adam, and I took a hike on a nearby path and did a big loop around. We found a little stream? It was tiny so I’m not sure what to call it but I tried to get some good photos, interesting ones at least. We didn’t see anything on the way, and wound up where the boats drop us off at the bottom of the stairs! Bumbum buuuuuuuh haha I climbed a tree there to get some starfruit for Stephanie who had turned back to camp earlier. Then we took to the stairs, which Courtney and I vowed to do that afternoon hike and stair climb every afternoon from now on to get some afternoon energy going through haha. I hoped to find some more capuchins but had no such luck L

In other news, we got new sheets!! YAY! Also, found out they don’t give us new towels, and that I must wash our own……-sigh- At least I finally have clean non-reaking pants to wear tomorrow haha. The ones I’ve been wearing are now quarantined in the laundry bag.

Otherwise quiet again waiting for dinner. Last night, our teacher Anneke lectured on her own titi research, and tonight we have a tamarin lecture from Minny and Gideon. Tomorrow will be a Saki lecture from Dara….NO CAPUCHIN LOVE! Ugh. Anyway, relaxation time while I try to quiet my belly!

dinner is chicken noodle soup and some corn, potatoes, unfortunately cheese with a good sauce. 

Welp, until tomorrow :)

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